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The King of the savannah, his sharpness and prowess crowns him.

The lion, the king of the savannah takes protagonism for his prowess and wisdom, an animal that leaves no one indifferent, discover the work of photographer Hitesh Patel.

B Y  F R O N T I E R S  M A G A Z I N E

P H O T O G R A P H Y  B Y  H I T E S H  P A T E L

P U B L I S H E D   M A Y   01 ,  2 0 2 3 

•  10  M I N   R E A D

Undoubtedly, we know that when we refer to fierce animals we immediately think of land animals and there is a great variety of species that could fall into this category, however, the protagonist of this month is none other than the king of the savannah, we are referring to the lion.


Male lions become a member of the pride because the females accept them as the pride male. Therefore, their social status can can be precarious. The lion has to win the grace of the females and usually will only be able to remain the pride male 3 to 5 years in the wild.

Their Social life


African lion prides typically consist of up to three adult males and around a dozen females and their young, some prides can grow to be extremely large, however, with up to 40 members. Females tend to remain in the pride in which they are born, so they are usually related to each other. Males, on the other hand, wander off to create their own prides when they are old enough. 

In their first weeks of birth, the females have the important task of keeping the cubs within their circle, feeding them and teaching them to hunt. This is very important for the herd since each new generation of cubs born involves a greater amount of food and this, in the savannah, is a challenge.

In their formative stage, the young are exposed to numerous dangers, mostly from predators that try to steal from the young in their eagerness to get an easy morsel and at other times from rival herds that try to reduce the number of members to weaken a clan.


A lion's mane differs in color and size depending on the lion, the reason being to show other lions their aptitude for mating and hunting. There is a belief that the darker the mane, the more aggressive they are.


Female lions are called lionesses and there are often many lionesses to each male. They are the primary hunters and often the alpha female in a pride is called a ‘Huntress’.

What's true behind

The lion, king of the jungle?

The lion is commonly associated with the figure of the lion as a dominant species and in popular culture the concept of the king of the jungle has grown, and that statement is far from reality.

The lion's habitat extends mainly across the grasslands and plains of Africa. These ecosystems are not dominated by humid biomes, so the concept of jungle is a term far away from its reality, since technically the lion is the king of the savannah. (The term “jungle” refers to a dense forest with lots of trees and vegetation.)

Lion species are currently classified into two subspecies: The African lion (Panthera leo Leo) and the Asiatic lion (Panthera leo Persica). The African lion is found in Sub-Saharan Africa. On the other hand, the Asiatic lion is restricted to India’s Gir Forest National Park. 

But why are lions considered kings of the jungle?

There’s no denying that lions are some of the most majestic animals in Africa. Their unmatched strength among its competitors gives lions the title of jungle king. Lions are the second-largest big cats after tigers. They can weigh up to 550 pounds (225 kg) and measure up to nine feet (three meters) in length. An adult lion weighs about 250 kg. 

The lion is called the king of the jungle because it possesses a greater number of developed skills compared to other animals.

The lion is called the king of the jungle not because it is the strongest, but because it possesses a greater number of developed skills compared to other animals.

A king must have leadership abilities the lion is the head of his colony he oversees the affair of the group lioness and the Cubs ranging from decision-making to hunting when there’s a need for food, and the lion gives the command for hunting. 

The male lion maintains order and offers security for the pride. While the females perfect their hunting skills, the male lazes behind. It acts as the source of protection for the group, ensuring the pride’s continuity. 


With its speed, ferocity and ability to capture its prey, this animal is at the top of the trophy chain. These aspects allow the lion to hunt almost all animals in its habitat. It can hunt small prey such as gazelles; medium-sized prey such as zebras and wildebeests or even larger prey such as buffaloes.


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