Welcome to our journey,

together beyond borders


Frontiers is a project that began in mid-2022 as a digital content and photography platform. Our brand is a reflection of the quality, commitment and responsibility with our work.

Our purpose is to be a channel of diffusion having a solid space for the repository of the scientific-creative world and to be a reference platform for the community of photographers.

Join our world, let's get together to reach the farthest communities of the planet, beyond frontiers.

A B O U T   U S

We are a multidisciplinary team of professionals dedicated to the areas of architecture and natural sciences with a deep commitment to respect for the environment, cultural heritage and sustainable development.


Is a firm committed to quality, respect and special care with the recognition of talent and creativity, is the result of the interest to be a digital platform for the distribution of knowledge and education. 


Frontiers explores the farthest regions of our planet, encouraging the recognition of diversity of cultures, the development of human progress and being a platform that enhances the work of photographers from all over the world. 

Our mission, to show you the world beyond its borders.

Our identity

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Our Team

G O N Z A L O   V A R G A S   P.

C R E A T I V E   D I R E C T O R

F R O N T I E R S   M A G A Z I N E

Frontiers is the expression of a strong interest in art, history and nature, my commitment to creativity and photographic work led me to create this space of knowledge and talent for everyone, for the world. 


& Licenciate in Arts

Find your Inspiration

think beyond borders

Do you have a great story or do you need a platform to develop your talent?

write us to our email contact@frontiersmagazine.net

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