Terms and


Here you will find FRONTIERS MAGAZINE's general terms and conditions for data privacy, information, content, copyright and intellectual property protection.


In these Conditions the following definitions apply:

Content:  means all presentations, documentation, contents and materials published or made available, including all IPR in such Content provided by the client.

Property: means to any content, image, video, publication that is distributed under the FRONTIERS MAGAZINE label through its digital platforms (website, social networks, video channels).

Contract:  means the agreement between FRONTIERS MAGAZINE and the User and Client for the use, editing and distribution of the content provided by the interested party through the official channels of FRONTIERS MAGAZINE.

Data Protection Laws:  means World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)

Intellectual Property Rights (IPR):  means copyright, including moral rights, rights in inventions, rights in confidential information, trademarks and design rights, database rights, domain names, business names, patents and computer software.

Application of these Conditions

These terms and conditions apply if you choose to collaborate and participate in the work of FRONTIERS MAGAZINE as well if you use, read and share their content trought their website, social media and in the general internet platform. Please read them carefully, as they affect your rights and obligations under the law and set out the conditions of collaborative work with the brand.

These Conditions apply to and form part of the Contract between FRONTIERS MAGAZINE and the User or Client.

No modification of these Terms and Conditions shall apply to the use, participation or purchase of the products/services offered by FRONTIERS MAGAZINE on its registered platforms.

I. General Terms & Conditions

I.I FRONTIERS MAGAZINE is a digital platform that provides photographic and communicational services through publications, investigations and blog. The content is developed by FRONTIERS MAGAZINE and distributed through its official website, social networks and media.

I.II This Site is owned and operated by FRONTIERS MAGAZINE.

I.III FRONTIERS MAGAZINE is an organization in a development phase, this phase does not under any circumstances include charging or paying for the solicitation, use or distribution of its content and the content of third parties. FRONTIERS MAGAZINE will not fund project proposals, use its brand for commercial or personal purposes for the purposes of third parties. 

II. Services

II.I By this agreement presented to the Client, the Client authorizes FRONTIERS MAGAZINE to proceed with the design, production and distribution of the product/piece according to the proposal/offer presented by the Client.

II.II FRONTIERS MAGAZINE will provide a publishing service under the magazine's editorial guidelines to clients interested in being represented by the brand. This service provides for those interested to be distributed through the channels of diffusion expressed by mutual agreement between the brand and the interested party. This section applies to collaborative work opportunities published through this website. 

II.III FRONTIERS MAGAZINE will provide the following services to its Customers:

III. Material and Content

III.I The Customer agrees to provide us with proof-read finalised clean copy (without author's brandmarks/watermarks), high-resolution images, design guidance (if required for the format of articles and image text for example), and the content we need to create the publication. With the Customers instruction, FRONTIERS MAGAZINE will pursue additional material if the Customer cannot source it themselves.

III.II The content provided by the client must be unique, exclusive and of total authorship. FRONTIERS MAGAZINE will never publish a piece of photographic, audiovisual, written, research or any type of content that has been altered, copied or imitated from a third party author. FRONTIERS reserves the right to publish counterfeit content.

III.III FRONTIERS MAGAZINE reserves the right not to publish any matter deemed illegal, defamatory or offensive, or which may be an infringement of any third party's proprietary or other rights.

III.IV The Customer agrees to indemnify FRONTIERS MAGAZINE regarding any claims, costs and expenses arising out of any libellous matter or any infringement of copyright, patent and design or of any other proprietary or personal rights contained in any material printed for the Customer. The indemnity shall extend to any amounts paid on a lawyer’s advice in settlement of any claim.

IV. Submission of proposals

IV.I For articles

IV.II For photography, video, audio-visual content.

General Information

IV.III It is NOT in the remit of FRONTIERS to proof the content of the Customer’s product. The Customer must take all efforts to proofread, check and ensure all content of their product meets the FRONTIERS’s approval before to send the proposal.

IV.IV The Client must confirm verbally or in writing (accepted by e-mail) to proceed with the publication of its content. If the agreement made through the formal channels of communication (Instagram / Email) sets a deadline for sending the content and the Client does not comply, the Client will be removed from the request for participation in the mutual agreement.

IV.V Sufficient proofing time and processes should be adhered to.

IV.VI The Customer absolves FRONTIERS of all liability for any errors, omissions or discrepancies (including supplied artwork by its advertisers), which may be present on the proof, whether hard copy or digital PDF proof sent by email or Google Drive.

IV.VII Once the Client has agreed to proceed with the submitted proposal after it has been checked, reviewed and edited by FRONTIERS, additional changes may be made up to the date of the last edit proposed by the FRONTIERS team for publication. The client will NOT be able to make changes once the publication is 48 hours after being published.

IV.VIII This Agreement revokes the Customer right to take any action against FRONTIERS MAGAZINE for any aspect of the work with which the Customer is later dissatisfied.

V. Delayed, Failed or Missed Production Schedules and Deadlines

V.I FRONTIERS MAGAZINE accepts no responsibility for any delay caused by the Customer providing insufficient, unsuitable or late content.

V.II The Customer MUST inform FRONTIERS MAGAZINE at the earliest opportunity of any possible delay in the submission of information and content or the lack thereof.

V.III If FRONTIERS MAGAZINE fails to meet its production schedule or the delivery and final publication of the work is affected, it must inform the client within a maximum of 10 days prior to the publication of the client's content. 

VI. Intellectual Property Ownership and Original Content

VI.I The Client is the owner of the content and images provided, FRONTIERS MAGAZINE owns the intellectual property rights of the design, layout and material of its own making containing content and elements associated with its brand. The electronic files provided are solely for the use indicated and must not be modified, adapted or reused without the written permission of FRONTIERS MAGAZINE. 

VI.II If the Client notifies the termination of the commercial relationship, desists from further participation as a member, requests to unsubscribe a photographic piece, as specified in clause VIIi, FRONTIERS MAGAZINE will terminate its service, removing from its web platform, social networks and local archive the pieces specified by the client.

VI.III It is the job and responsibility of FRONTIERS MAGAZINE to credit the copyright, give credits and include authorship of the client in each of the publications through its digital and printed format.

VII. Copyright

VII.I Unless negotiated and agreed in writing, the copyrights of general artwork, commissioned artwork, illustrations, and copy belong to FRONTIERS MAGAZINE.

VII.II If the Customer supplied FRONTIERS MAGAZINE with the material, it is the Customer’s responsibility to obtain all necessary copyrights for its use. In agreeing to these terms and conditions, the Customer asserts its right to the copyright. In such cases, the copyright belongs to the Customer.

VII.III FRONTIERS MAGAZINE reserve the right to use any artwork or printing FRONTIERS MAGAZINE has produced to promote FRONTIERS MAGAZINE services unless the Customer request otherwise in writing.

VIII. Termination of Relation and Activity

VII.I If the customer wishes to terminate or cease the services offered by FRONTIERS MAGAZINE, the Customer must give at least 30-days written notice as time would have been allocated in advance.

VII.II FRONTIERS MAGAZINE reserves the right to terminate or cease services to Customers at any time. In any such event, MPC will give 30-days notice and commit to fulfil any outstanding work.

IX. Data Protection

IX.I By agreement with FRONTIERS MAGAZINE, the directors, employees, freelance staff will abide by Customer confidentiality at all times. If one of the aforementioned breaches trust and releases confidential information in the public domain or to FRONTIERS MAGAZINE Customers, then FRONTIERS MAGAZINE will seek legal action against that company or individual.

IX.II FRONTIERS MAGAZINE  agrees to keep the information of its customers confidential. All information will be treated as confidential in accordance with the Data Protection Act.

X. Major Event Clause

X.I FRONTIERS MAGAZINE accepts no responsibility if FRONTIERS MAGAZINE is unable to carry out any provision of the contract for any reason beyond our control, including (without limiting the preceding) Act of God, legislation, war, the act of terrorism, the effects of an act of terrorism, fire, flood, drought, inadequacy or unsuitability of any instructions, electronic files or other data supplied by the Customer, failure of external servers, failure of power supply, lock-out, strike or other action taken by employees in contemplation or furtherance of a dispute or owing to any inability to procure materials required for the performance of the contract.



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